EMF Solutions
EMF’s are “Electromagnetic Frequencies” also known as “Electromagnetic Radiation” or EMR's. Modern technologies are bombarding us with lower frequency, man-made electromagnetic radiation at huge levels that people have never experienced until the last few years. ​EMF's are the biggest stress & invisible toxin that we are exposed to today.

Where are all of these EMF's coming from?
Cell Phones & Wireless Devices
Smart Meters
High Voltage Power Lines
Cell Towers
Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Connected Devices (ie Alexa, Google Home, smart TV's)
Modems, Routers & Wi-Fi Extenders
"Dirty" Household Electricity
Solar Power
Many common household devices such as ceiling fans, baby monitors and air purifiers
Bluetooth & Wi-fi in Vehicles
Are EMF's something to be concerned about? YES!
Many people are very concerned about EMF's and the health effects on their bodies. Bioinitiative.org (which is a non-biased, international EMF organization that has no hidden agenda and does not sell products) has over 3,000 studies showing that everyday level EMF's are having biological effects on the human body. According to Bioinitiative's "Study Conclusions", biological effects of EMF's include but are not limited to: DNA damage, melatonin production which is causing sleep problems, neurological disorders, headaches, fatigue, immune system imbalances and degenerative health conditions.
Is there a solution? YES!
Biomagnetic Adjustments can help the body to naturally eliminate the aggressors of positive charges and radiation. EMF Solutions Products offer a perfect complement by helping to reduce the toxic overload and sub-atomic chaos that we are exposed to and unable to avoid on a daily basis.​ You can still enjoy your technology without having to go to drastic measures such as blocking or shielding EMF’s. Instead, we use EMF Solutions products derived from earth made materials, to harmonize & remediate the harmful EMF's to your body, your space, your home, your car and all of your wireless technology.​ We will even check the compatibility of the EMF remediation products to help determine which products would work best for your individual situation.
For a free consultation on which products would be right for you and your family, please contact us directly for details.​