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Experience Biovita Wellness 

Located in Central Phoenix, Arizona we are here to assist others in their journey to wellness.

Feel Your Best

We pride ourselves in offering services that are customized to each and every individual to help improve and maintain physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.  Explore our site to learn more about what we do here at Biovita Wellness LLC, and how you can experience positive change.

Experience a Refreshing Take on Health


Biovita Wellness LLC was established in order to provide comprehensive services that support and foster the energetic health of our clients. We offer treatments and products to improve and help maintain the body's optimal EME (electromagnetic energy). Whether you are experiencing symptoms related to pain or lack of sleep or simply want to improve your physical, mental or emotional well being, Biovita Wellness LLC provides the resources to do so in a healing, welcoming and positive environment.

Image by Christoph von Gellhorn

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